Playing Hard, Playing Kind

Playing Hard, Playing Kind

CA’s boys varsity soccer team captures EIL and NEPSAC titles by Ben Carmichael ’01 On November 17, the Concord Academy boys varsity soccer team traveled to Windsor, Conn., to do what many students dream of doing: compete on behalf of their school for a regional...
“Origin Stories” Exhibition Showcases Creative Work by Alumnae/i and 30 Years of CA’s Photography Program

“Origin Stories” Exhibition Showcases Creative Work by Alumnae/i and 30 Years of CA’s Photography Program

Work by Concord Academy alumnae/i in the Origin Stories exhibition at the Concord Free Public Library, including a recent photograph from the Gowanus Wild series by Miska Draskoczy ’94 at top right. The gallery on the second floor of the Concord Free Public Library is...