Health & Wellness

Concord Academy prioritizes the health and safety of our students, including their socioemotional development. We know and care for them as individuals. Staff from the Health Center and Counseling Center, advisors, house faculty, coaches, and faculty are all responsible for monitoring the mental and physical well-being of our students, as part of the compact between the school and the families who entrust them to our care.

Sign for Concord Academy's main gate, featuring the school's emblem, which includes a building illustration and the founding year, 1922.

Health Center

Staffed by registered nurses, the Concord Academy Health Center serves the needs of day and boarding students for non-emergency visits from 7:00 a.m. to 7:00 p.m. during the academic school year. Students may visit for medication administration and illness/injury evaluation during these hours. Nursing is available in the Health Center from 7:00 p.m. to 7:00 a.m. for emergency evaluation and continued monitoring of students requiring overnight care in the infirmary. The medical team is also complemented by athletic trainers, who assist with all sports injury treatment and prevention.

The Health Center can be contacted by phone at (978) 402-2333 or by email.

Counseling Center

The Counseling Center staff comprises a team of two full-time licensed clinical social workers and two part-time licensed clinical social workers. Our counselors provide individual counseling, check-in support, and crisis management. Students can access these services to gain insight and perspective while increasing their ability to manage difficult stressors and life situations that may arise. There is no charge for counseling sessions. Referrals for counseling can be made by the students themselves, parents/guardians, advisors, faculty, coaches, and peers. The Counseling Center is open for walk-in support from 8:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. daily, with on-call support available 24 hours a day.

The Counseling Center can be contacted by phone at (978) 402-2335 or by email.

Mental Health Resources

The following resources are intended as a starting point rather than a replacement for direct contact with a trained and licensed therapist. Please reach out to the Counseling Center or a trusted CA adult with any mental health concerns. They will help you find an appropriate resource or referral.

Start Your Journey at
Concord Academy