50 Years of Coeducation

50 Years of Coeducation

As Concord Academy nears its 100th birthday, now proudly inclusive of all genders, the school also marks half a century as a coed institution Members of the class of 1975, photographed in fall 1973. On May 19, 1970, the Centipede reported on its front page, “Trustees...
My Class Ring Eluded Me

My Class Ring Eluded Me

by Harry Breault ’16 Never the twain could meet for long, my senior ring and I; no matter what I tried, I couldn’t keep that small band of stainless steel with me. When I first wore it on my finger, the short path from hand to mouth left it chewed and bent. I tried it...
The Lore of the Rings

The Lore of the Rings

by Lucille Stott After Martha Leggat ’85 graduated from college, she and her close friend Jennifer Russell ’85 traveled to Australia and New Zealand to work as WWOOFers, farm hands hired through the nonprofit Willing Workers on Organic Farms (now called World Wide...
Treasures from CA’s Archives

Treasures from CA’s Archives

The class of 1931 was “always a bit independent,” wrote Elizabeth Monroe Boggs ’31 when she donated her Concord Academy memorabilia to the school in 1994. Rather than the standard class ring, the seniors in her year had a class bracelet fashioned. All 12 graduating...
Cartooning in the Chameleon

Cartooning in the Chameleon

Today Concord Academy’s literary magazine bears the name the Chameleon. The school publication began with a broader focus, however. The earliest issue of the Chameleon in CA’s archives to feature the chameleon on its cover is from December 1942. In the 1950s, students...