Order CA-Branded Patagonia Gear!

We are happy to offer CA-branded Patagonia products again this year! This order form includes a list of items available with prices and an area to place an order. This year, we are also offering shipping parents who would prefer it. These items will be charged to your...

What Are Community Weekends?

Community Weekends are designated weekends when the Student Life Office hosts programming that has historically attracted many students. We designate these weekends Community Weekends so families can plan for times when their child(ren) will spend at least a portion...

CA Parents’ Homestay Network for Family Weekend

The Homestay Network is a group of local CA parents who volunteer a bed in their homes for visiting out-of-town CA parents/families, alumnae/i and friends. The Homestay Network is used throughout the year, especially during specific family-oriented times such as the...

Support the Performing Arts!

Interested in getting involved in our vibrant performing arts community? Are you a boarding parent looking for ways to participate? Please consider donating snacks to be used for tech week and post-performance receptions as we celebrate our talented students and their...