Junior and Senior Retreats at the End of March

The junior class of 2021 will depart on Friday, March 27, at 2:30 p.m. for Prindle Pond Conference Center in Charlton, Mass., where they will take part in a leadership retreat. They will return Saturday, March 28, by 4:00 p.m. This is an annual event that helps to...

Fall Advisor Comments Available January 21

We understand that there was a glitch in PowerSchool that allowed access to comments online before they were completed and reviewed. Completed semester comments, including academic, athletic, and house comments (for boarders) will be available on the parent portal on...

CA Campus Scene, January 2020

A lot has been happening on and off campus. Please have a look at some photo galleries we have put together: Guest Playwright Melinda Lopez Newspaper Fashion Throughout the year, we will continue to add new photos to our main CA Parents Photos folder on SmugMug and...

International Potluck, January 24

On Friday, January 24, from 8:00 to 10:00 p.m. in the Stu-Fac, CA Parents will be hosting an International Potluck for students, faculty, and staff. This annual event is an opportunity for CA families to share and celebrate their cultural and family traditions. For...

Support the Performing Arts

A new year, a new semester! Interested in getting involved in our vibrant Performing Arts community? Are you a boarding parent looking for ways to participate? Please consider donating snacks to be used for tech week and post-performance receptions as we celebrate our...