CA News

CA Reconnects During Reunion and Alum Weekend 2024

What a beautiful weekend it was to reunite in Concord, Mass.! From June 7 to 9, 2024, around 200 alums from across generations returned to Concord Academy. Reunion and Alum Weekend provided many opportunities for CA graduates and their families to connect.

Concord Academy Commencement Celebrates the Class of 2024

The morning of May 24 was sunny and warm—a beautiful time to celebrate Concord Academy’s newest graduates. The rhododendrons were in brilliant bloom as the class of 2024 processed down the Senior Steps in front of hundreds of guests in Academy Garden.

CA Celebrates Successful Spring 2024 Athletic Season

CA Athletics enjoyed another successful season, including Eastern Independent League (EIL) and New England Preparatory School Athletic Council (NEPSAC) championships and a victory over Bancroft School in the third annual Spring Cup rivalry event. Student-athletes demonostrated Concord Academy’s values of teamwork, good sportsmanship, and competitive grit.

CA Business Speaker Series Celebrates Enterprising Alums

Concord Academy alums’ passions for learning, innovation, and adaptability have distinguished them as leaders in business. As part of CA’s spring 2024 Business Speaker Series, Layth Madi ’96, Lindsay Kolowich Cox ’09, and Vernard Lockhart ’04 spoke with students to share their experiences in moving organizations forward and offer advice for future entrepreneurs.

Seeding Sustainability

Concord Academy is dedicated to fostering a more just and sustainable future. Learn more about our sustainability program at CA, featuring student-driven initiatives such as a recent smart outlet installation and the creation of a comprehensive data dashboard.

Get Ready to Send Your Class Notes

Start thinking about what news you would like to share in CA's spring magazine! Your class secretaries will be in touch in the next few weeks to gather news, updates, and photos to share with the rest of your class. Your notes are due to your class secretary on January 20, so please keep an eye out for communications from your class secretary.
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Fall 2019 CA Magazine

The fall 2019 issue of CA Magazine examines Concord Academy's recently renewed mission statement and invites readers to engage in the building of a more just and sustainable world. This issue also celebrates the completion of the William M. Bailey Commons and, with it, the CA Houses initiative. Learn about student, faculty, and alumnae/i experiences and achievements, new books from CA authors, and much more. Read more>
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January CCO Workshop for Juniors and Junior Parents

We hope you can join us on Saturday, January 11, at 9:00 a.m. in the P.A.C. for the formal beginning of the college process. Required for all juniors, this meeting serves as an introduction to the year ahead. The program will feature some remarks from Rick Hardy as well as the college counseling staff, a presentation by a dean of admissions, and a Q&A panel with current CA seniors. Please note that we will start promptly at 9:00 a.m., so if you wish to have coffee or breakfast beforehand, kindly plan accordingly. The workshop will end at noon, at which time there will be two hour-long optional sessions, one regarding financial aid and another about the role of athletics in the college process. Please note that the day’s schedule does not allow for individual meetings with students and parents; we assure you that we will find future opportunities to connect either face-to-face or over the phone or Skype.
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Message for Parents of Winter Athletes

Congratulations on your child earning a position on a CA winter team sport! It is an honor to represent CA on the court, slope, and mat. Your child will be in great hands, as our winter coaching staff is a committed and talented group of educators. Sue Johnson, director of athletics, focuses on supporting the students and coaches as they pursue their team and individual goals this winter. In this article, she points out a few items to assist parents in following and supporting your child’s team in the coming weeks. Read more>
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CA Student Work in Photography Exhibition

For the second year, CA photography students will have work in the Griffin Museum of Photography High School Photography Exhibition at Regis College. Katherine Stirling-Ellis ’20 and Shanirah Rodriguez-Ponde ’20, who are pursuing independent work through departmental studies in photography this year, will each have two pieces in the juried show. The exhibition of student work from approximately 19 schools will run January 5-12, with an opening reception and presentation of awards on Sunday, January 5, from 1:00 to 3:00 p.m. at the Carney Gallery at Regis College, 235 Wellesley Street, Weston, MA 02493.
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Final Details for End-of-Semester Assessments

We have worked with students and faculty to finalize the details of the end-of-semester plan. Please use this link to view schedule details for the final weeks of the semester as well as details students have received about final assessments, including a few changes made in collaboration with students and teachers: Houses will be open more, day students can arrive and depart more flexibly, and office hours will be offered in the penultimate week.
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CA Holiday Music Concert December 13

Join us for the annual CA Holiday Music Concert on Friday, December 13, at 8:00 p.m. in the Chapel. No tickets are required. If you are able to help with donations for the reception after the show, please click here If you are the parent of a boarding student, you can help too! Please follow this Amazon link and items will be sent directly to CA.
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CA and the 1619 Project: Contemplating the Enduring Legacies of Slavery in American Life

In fall 2019, the CA community took time to consider the significance of the arrival of slavery 400 years ago in what came to be the United States, and how that history continues to shape American life. A student-led assembly and an evening panel discussion engaged attendees in grappling with this most difficult legacy and offered a window into some of the impactful ways history is taught at Concord Academy.
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