The Concord Pact

Mandarin translation (PDF)

Korean translation (PDF)

Spanish translation (PDF)

CA is a community that both honors the individual and values the collective. Reopening school for in-person activities and/or learning will be a collective effort; it will require us all to commit to prioritizing the health and safety of ourselves and others. This commitment requires that we understand the role each of us must play to keep our campus and community members safe. The health and safety measures in this pact are necessary in our responsibility to protect the health and safety of others in our community and beyond. Whether you are at a higher risk for contracting COVID-19 or not, there are members of our community who are, including peers, faculty and staff, and all families. We expect that all members of the CA community will follow federal, state, local, and school guidelines and protocols that address ways to limit the spread of COVID-19. We also expect that all members of the CA community will keep themselves informed as federal, state, local, and school guidelines and protocols may change.

We know that no family will be able to be a completely closed circle — from work contacts to obtaining groceries, attending medical appointments, etc. — but we expect that all members will follow federal, state, and local guidelines to the best of their ability and use common sense in their interactions with others.

  • We are asking each student, with the support and cooperation of their family, to commit to the following:

  • Daily Symptom Checks, Contact Tracing, and Prevention

  • Behavioral Expectations

  • Self-Quarantine

  • I understand the expectations listed here and agree to abide by these expectations to prioritize the health and safety of myself and every member of this community. I understand that my ability to access campus for in-person learning and events is based on my adherence to these expectations. If I do not adhere to these expectations, I understand that I may be required to carry out all or part of the semester remotely.