A Letter from Concord Academy’s Next Head of School, Henry Fairfax

Dear members of the Concord Academy community,

I am so incredibly honored to continue my learning and leading journey at Concord Academy. At 100 years young, CA continues to possess a growth mindset evidenced by a love of learning shared by each community member. Striving for equity is a vulnerable explanation of the process it takes to unite a community regardless of race, gender, sexual orientation, religion, zip code, and all that makes diversity necessary and beautiful. Principles of common trust enable us to respect our differences and to navigate the sometimes challenging moments that come with growth. I had to look no further than Chapel to see it exemplified when I visited campus just five weeks ago.

I relish the opportunity to partner with a distinguished board of trustees, faculty, and staff to guide the 406 amazing students at CA. My family and I look forward to cheering with parents and guardians at plays, musical performances, and games. I cannot wait to hit the road to meet as many CA alumnae/i as possible. Please know that team Fairfax is also game for a “living room visit” at our new home on Main Street. This is an open invitation to sit with us in our space for as long as we join you in yours.

On Saturday morning, when I learned I would be granted the opportunity to serve the special community and mission that is Concord Academy, I was busy “parenting”—in this case, coaching basketball while doing yard work. I had a broom and dustpan in one hand, a basketball in the other, and three little humans in my sights. Parenting is a healthy distraction when you are trying to lead a school. Few things could ever take me away from my favorite weekend pastime: my family. Concord Academy managed to shift my attention this weekend. But if I am being truthful, CA and its distinct mission has been on my mind for the last six months, and for good reason. From the very beginning of the process, it has felt like a “home game,” and I am committed to making certain that every person affiliated with CA feels at home in our community.

I wish to thank each member of the Head of School Search Committee and RG175 for their thoughtful and diligent process. I am humbled to have been selected to lead at this moment in CA’s storied history. I savor the opportunity to bring the Concord Academy community together around a grand vision of modeling equity, academic excellence, common trust, respect for the individual, and love of learning. The next chapters at CA will be co-authored by every member of our special community. I stand prepared to lead, listen, and learn beside you.

I will see you soon! Go Green!

Henry Fairfax

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