Mandy 24

Day Student, Winchester, MA

Student Photo

What are you involved in at CA?

At CA I am heavily involved in the Centipede, our school’s student newspaper. I am one of the Features Editors and have previously worked as a Backpage Editor and Staff Writer. I am a Head Tour Guide, and additionally, I race for the Varsity Alpine Ski Team. I have also played on the Girl’s Varsity Soccer team and the Girl’s Varsity Tennis team. I have also worked on Student Council as a class representative.

Why did you choose CA?

I chose CA because of the caliber of the academic curriculum, variety of visual and performing arts courses, and opportunities to participate on competitive athletic teams. I also found myself drawn to the number of clubs and extracurricular activities that CA has to offer. Though, more than anything else, I chose CA for the people. The community is full of people with different perspectives and lived experiences, and it is a place where I feel inspired and motivated to constantly be better.

Share a moment where you knew you belonged at CA

The first time I stepped onto the Moriarty Athletics Campus for soccer tryouts, I immediately felt so welcomed and at home. My older teammates took me in with open arms, introduced me to the other girls, and were always cheering me on in practice.