Darley Boit ’21 shared this reflection on the early stages of distance learning at CA on behalf of the Centipede:


The second week of online classes has reflected the first in many ways, and most of my peers and teachers seem to have adapted to the new system relatively well. The schedule is definitely not what the CA Community is used to, but everyone is doing their best to stay together despite the situation.

I am thrilled that so many of my extracurriculars are still hosting regular meetings during lunches, H block, and sometimes after-school hours. These meetings have shown me how strong the CA community is, despite being unable to meet face to face. Clubs like the Chameleon and Q^2 have been hosting lunch meetings open to the community. Even CAMUN (CA’s Model UN Conference), which was originally scheduled to take place last weekend, will still be taking place on May 2, and it has been moved to an online format. I am so grateful that I have the opportunity to still participate in so many things that I love despite this isolation thanks to technology. 

While the online system undoubtedly has its own flaws, its ability to replicate many aspects of classroom learning is impressive. My teachers have all utilized it in different ways, from lectures to class discussions, and it is remarkable the flexibility Zoom provides given the situation. 

My peers have had a wide variety of reactions to this new system. I have heard from people who are stressed over their workload and others who have a fair amount of free time. While a large part of this depends on the classes they are taking, it is also partially impacted by how recent events have affected everyone’s mental health and ability to complete work. Most of my teachers have been quite understanding of this, checking in with students during most classes and sending out surveys to gauge how the workload has felt to their students. This consideration has been shown through everything from smaller check-ins to administrative changes such as replacing letter grades with pass/fail marks instead. Council also hosted an open meeting on Tuesday to discuss student’s concerns and questions regarding the system. It amazes me how caring so many adults have been in accommodating students’ needs, and this compassion and empathy has reminded me of how supportive and incredible the CA community is.