The CA Parents Council is made up of about 20 parents, including the co-chairs of several volunteer committees (including the Annual Fund, Arts Ambassadors, Athletics, CARE program, and Tour Guides), plus a cross-section of the CA community (including boarding and international families, financial aid families, dads, working parents, people of color, LGBTQ+ parents, and parents of alumnae/i). The Council tries to include members from across CA so that Council membership is a true reflection of our community.

The Council meets monthly during the academic year to discuss volunteer work and upcoming events. The Council also hears from faculty and staff about their ongoing work and offers feedback, where appropriate.

At Saturday’s meeting, the Council hosted a panel of senior administrators, including Laura Twichell ’01, Sarah Yeh, Sally Zimmerli, and Peter Boskey ’08, each of whom described the main issues they plan to focus on this year. The issues ranged from grading equity to carrying out the new mission, faculty hiring, the revised orientation plan, student health and wellness issues, and C&E’s ongoing work with affinity groups and the student population in general.

The Parent Council intends to hold one more open Council meeting, in March. Details about that meeting will be announced in future newsletters. To learn more about the Council, please feel free to reach out to CA Parent President Kerry Hoffman,