CA shines a spotlight on this alumnus who volunteers to connect CA through CAYAC

by Nancy Shohet West ’84

“Arriving at Concord Academy in 2002 was a life-changing moment for me,” says Dat Le ’06, co-chair of the Concord Academy Young Alumnae/i Community (CAYAC) Committee. “My family emigrated from Vietnam when I was 3 years old. I grew up in Lowell, Mass., knowing nothing about private schools. A teacher there recommended that I apply. Suddenly my eyes were opened to cultures and backgrounds that were so different from mine. I’d never seen so many smart and motivated students in one place.”

Initially CA felt almost as foreign to him as the U.S. once had. “But I tried many different extracurriculars and formed strong friendships over time,” he recalls. “I became accustomed to the culture and the community and I grew to love the school.”

Le, a graduate of Bowdoin College and Dartmouth’s Tuck School of Business, works in business operations at a Boston law firm. He chose to join CAYAC as a way to stay in touch with his classmates, and his participation evolved into a leadership role, helping to plan fundraisers and alumnae/i events. “For me it’s natural to stay connected with the school,” he says. “For others, it may not be. But because I loved my experience at CA so much, I want to help foster that connection for everyone.”

Reaching out regularly to his classmates and the other members of the alumnae/i network has been particularly fulfilling during the pandemic, Le says, especially with so many other activities curtailed. One of his passions is international travel, which he normally tries to do at least once or twice a year. “I also love learning about specialty cocktails and how to make them,” he says. “I’m always interested in recommendations and recipes for unique drinks!”

Get Involved

Are you a CA alumna/us looking to reconnect with the CA community or support the school? There are many ways to get involved through CA’s Alumnae/i Association. Learn more here.

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