CA Parents creates opportunities to support and strengthen Concord Academy in its mission. Recognizing the benefits of our diverse backgrounds and perspectives, we encourage family participation, facilitate communication between families and the school, and organize activities that enrich the quality of student life and the greater Concord Academy community.

Explore the opportunities to get involved with CA Parents — from welcoming new parents to leading prospective families on tours of campus, being hosts to boarding students to coordinating faculty/staff appreciation events, and participating in on-campus events to supporting the Annual Fund. Every year over 200 parents volunteer, whether they live near or far. Volunteering is a great way to meet fellow families, get to know the school, and help CA.

To learn more about getting involved, or if you have any questions, please contact:

Meredith Walsh

Meredith Walsh

Associate Director of Engagement and Parent Programs

Hilary Rouse

Hilary Rouse

Director of Constituent Engagement and Leadership Giving

Parent Volunteer Opportunities

*indicates opportunities for boarding parents
Admissions Tour Guides & Ambassadors

Admissions Tour Guides lead campus tours for parents of prospective students during their admissions visits. From September through January, parent volunteers tour weekly, or substitute as needed. Being an Admissions Tour Guide is a great way to learn more about the school and share your family’s CA story. In addition, there are opportunities to participate in virtual admissions panels, greet at open houses and revisit days, and make phone calls to newly admitted families. This volunteer opportunity is open to all parents, as well as parents of CA graduates. Volunteers attend a training session in early September.

Key Contacts

CA Parent Co-chairs:
Rebecca Comjean P’25
Karen Munroe P’25

Staff Liaisons:
John McGarry, associate director of admissions; director of financial aid, (978) 402-2253
Meredith Walsh, associate director of engagement and parent programs, (978) 402-2569

Annual Fund Volunteers*

The Parent Annual Fund Committee is a group of volunteers made up of 9th, 10th, 11th and 12th grade parents whose primary responsibility is to solicit their peers in support of CA’s Annual Fund.

Co-chairs and committee members of the Parent Annual Fund will help inspire fellow families to make gifts – at all levels – to the Annual Fund, a fund critical to CA’s mission and financial health. Encouraging families to support the Annual Fund in their first year at CA will help strengthen the Annual Giving Program, while at the same time, allow families to feel a part of this important communal philanthropic program.

The financial goal for the 2023-24 Parent Annual Fund Program $1 million from as many families as possible.

All members of the committee are responsible for contributing to the Annual Fund and soliciting others in support of the program. In addition to the co-chairs, we depend on a committee of parent volunteers from all four classes. The success of this CA’s fundraising, at every level, depends on peer-to-peer outreach.

Responsibilities include:

Committee members will serve as advocates for CA’s Parent Annual Fund, and reach out to 5-7 CA families asking them to join in the support of the program. Members can inspire others to support CA by sharing their personal motivation for supporting the school. A manageable time commitment, committee members will be asked to attend the launch of the program/training session in October in addition to conducting outreach for this program throughout the year.

Key Contacts

CA Parent Co-chairs:
Tracy Welch ’89, P’23 ’24
Jared Johnson P’25

Staff Liaisons:
Meredith Walsh, associate director of engagement and parent programs
Hilary Rouse, director of constituent engagement and leadership giving

Art Ambassadors*

Performing Arts parent volunteers support CA’s performing arts programs. Volunteers provide food and treats and help with set up and clean up for receptions at music, dance and theatrical performances throughout the year. Volunteers may also organize lunches for the cast and crew of the two (Fall and Winter) Main Stage Productions and snacks during the Tech week leading up to each performance.

Please let us know if you are interested in helping. Volunteer sign-ups will be posted throughout the year.

*Boarding families can support these events by contributing food, drinks, etc. Organizers will provide parents of boarding students with a list of local shops and restaurants from which they can order from afar (and which can be picked up locally). To participate, please contact the co-chairs.

Key Contacts

CA Parent Co-chairs:
Jen Lee P’26 ’27
Karen Sobol P’25

Staff Liaison:
Meredith Walsh, associate director of engagement and parent programs, (978) 402-2569

Athletics Parents Volunteers

Athletics parent volunteers (team parents) help CA’s Athletics Department communicate information to parents and provide ways for parents of team members to connect with each other and support athletes and the athletics program.

The goals of the program are:
• To support individual athletic teams;
• To help parents connect with each other and the community through CA’s athletics programs.

Each athletic season, one or two parent volunteers per team communicate with a team’s coaches to hear about their needs and how they like to communicate with their teams. Each team and coach is different; some teams may appreciate snacks and others will organize a team meal.

Team parents communicate with parents about the team’s schedule and locations, significant games (e.g. Chandler Bowl), and remind senior parents about each team’s senior ceremony. Please let us know if you are interested. 

*Boarding families can support these events as team parents or by contributing snacks, drinks, etc. To participate, please contact the co-chairs.

Key Contacts

CA Parent Co-chairs:
Jill Guzzi P’19 ’22
Ha Richmond P’26

Staff Liaisons:
Sue Johnson, director of athletics
Meredith Walsh, associate director of engagement and parent programs, (978) 402-2569

CARE (Concord Academy Residential Enrichment)

The CARE (Concord Academy Residential Enrichment) program matches boarding students, if they desire, with a local family for the academic year. CARE families provide an important connection to the local community for boarding students. CARE families support students with gestures big and small — from providing occasional notes or treats, taking them out for ice cream or pizza, inviting them to their homes for dinner, going to a movie, and offering a slice of family life to a boarding student who may be far from home.

CARE families make a year-long commitment to the program, with the hope for monthly student contact. The program is flexible according to the student’s needs, desires, and what the CARE family is able to provide. As local families and students build their relationship, families are welcome to invite students for a weekend away, with advanced notice provided to house faculty.


• CARE families will be matched with boarding students and will receive information about their students and their families after arriving at school.

• CARE families attend a dinner at CA to share a meal with new students and reunite with returning boarding students. New CARE families will also attend an orientation following the dinner.

• If your student’s family is unable to attend Family Weekend, it is great to attend a few classes with your student at this time.

Exam Times, December and May:
• You may want to make a phone call or send a care package to your CARE student.

Key Contacts

CA Parent Chair:
Larissa Shyjan P’24
Pam Robbins P’26

Staff Liaisons:
Meredith Walsh, associate director of engagement and parent programs, (978) 402-2569
Grant Hightower P’26, dean of students, (978) 402- 2296

CA Book Group*

CA Parents Book Group meets several times during the school year. Each discussion session lasts up to two hours. All parents are welcome!

The goals of the program are:
• To offer parents of CA students an opportunity to meet other parents and exchange ideas, using thoughtfully selected books as a focal point;
• To build community.

Key Contacts

CA Parent Chair:
Michelle Barry P’24

Staff Liaison:
Meredith Walsh, associate director of engagement and parent programs, (978) 402-2569

CA Gear Pop-Up Store

The CA Gear pop-up store provides CA-branded clothing and gear at a variety of school events throughout the school year. Parent volunteers assist with inventory and help sell gear on 4-5 dates throughout the school year. Volunteers are not expected to come to all events. Let us know if you are interested in helping and the co-chairs will reach out to you before sales.

Key Contacts

CA Parent Chair:
Michelle Barry P’24

Staff Liaison:
Meredith Walsh, associate director of engagement and parent programs, (978) 402-2569

Exam Treats*

Parent volunteers surprise students with small bags of treats in their mailboxes before December and May exams. Parent volunteers provide sweets and spend a morning before exams stuffing bags. This is a quick and fun way to support students and meet other parents.

*Boarding families can support these events by contributing candy or healthy snacks, either through Amazon or a similar website. With any questions, or to participate, please contact the co-chairs.

Key Contacts

CA Parent Co-chairs:
Grayson Kasdon P’22 ’24
Cathy Levesque P25

Staff Liaison:
Meredith Walsh, associate director of engagement and parent programs, (978) 402-2569

Faculty and Staff Appreciation Luncheons*

Parent volunteers provide food, decorations, and small gifts for faculty and staff luncheons in the fall and spring. Volunteers help with set up and clean up, as well. Please indicate your interest in helping with these special events. Parent co-chairs will reach out to you as they begin planning.

Harvest Appreciation Luncheon will be on Wednesday, November 8, 2023.
Spring Appreciation Luncheon will be on Wednesday, April 17, 2024.

Key Contacts

CA Parents Co-chairs:
Alisa Kapoor P’25
Annie Tcherepnin P’25

Staff Liaison:
Meredith Walsh, associate director of engagement and parent programs, (978) 402-2569

International Potluck*

Each February, CA families host a beautiful potluck dinner for the student community. Parents provide a wide variety of international dishes and family favorites (both homemade and from local restaurants) to CA students. Students have the opportunity to try food from other countries and enjoy the cooking they miss from home. This is a wonderful opportunity for CARE families to connect with their matched boarding students. Please let us know if you are interested in helping with this event. Co-chairs will reach out to you as they begin planning.

*Boarding families can support these events by contributing food and drink. Organizers will provide parents of boarding students with a list of local shops and restaurants from which they can order from afar (and which can be picked up locally). To participate, or with any questions, please contact the parent chair.

Key Contacts

CA Parent Chair:
Cindy Wang P’25 ’27
Natasha Thamburaj P’27

Staff Liaison:
Meredith Walsh, associate director of engagement and parent programs, (978) 402-2569

Parent Independent School Network (PIN)

PIN is composed of representatives from 22 local independent schools and meets several times a year. CA’s representatives attend PIN meetings, which address common issues and concerns for independent secondary schools and make PIN meeting synopses available to the CA community. If you are interested in participating in PIN, please contact Meredith Walsh.

Key Contacts

CA Parent Chair:

Staff Liaison:
Meredith Walsh, associate director of engagement and parent programs, (978) 402-2569

Parent-to-Parent Program*

Parent-to-parent volunteers contact new families to welcome them to CA, share information, and direct them to the CA administrators who can best address their questions.

Responsibilities include:
• Send an introductory email to new parents in July. (A template will be provided.)
• Follow up with a phone call to become acquainted, provide helpful information, and answer any questions they may have.
• Check in a second time to answer last-minute questions before the start of the academic year.
• Connect with new parents at Family Weekend and encourage them to attend Concord Academy events throughout the year.

*For boarding parents, this is a great opportunity to support the community and other parents of boarding students. Share your experience and knowledge with new families by phone or email.

Key Contacts

CA Parent Co-chairs:
Jared Johnson P25
Liz Nieuwenhuizen P22 24 25

Staff Liaison:
Meredith Walsh, associate director of engagement and parent programs, (978) 402-2569

When in Need Committee (WIN)

This committee helps students when they are in need of transportation for travel, appointments, or shopping.

Key Contacts

CA Parent Co-chairs:
Malay Kundu P22 25

Staff Liaison:
Meredith Walsh, associate director of engagement and parent programs, (978) 402-2569