This spring, 38 Concord Academy 12th graders demonstrated their love of learning by completing senior projects. These self-designed, faculty-supported programs offered students one-of-a-kind educational experiences. This year’s presentations on May 14 in the Student Health and Athletic Center exemplified these seniors’ creativity, interdisciplinary thinking, and technical skills.

Chiara Wanandi ’24 delved into the cultural heritage of Chinese diaspora foods. She wanted to explore how fusion in food reflects the complex histories and identities of immigrant communities. She created a historical cookbook that highlighted the unique culinary traditions of Chinese immigrants in the U.S. and Southeast Asia.

Mohammed Mustakim ’24 embarked on a project merging neuroscience and technology. His goal was to develop an escape room experience that utilized smell sensors connected to virtual reality headsets to aid in brain rehabilitation. Mohammed created a prototype device and envisioned its potential impact on neurorehabilitation practices.

Jessie Ma ’24 was inspired by her passions for dance and technology to create a device utilizing integrated motion-capture technology. Her project, a wristband that generates music based on the wearer’s dance movements, offers a novel way to engage with music through motion. “It’s really exciting to see how intertwined both art, music technology, and math are,” Jessie said in her presentation. 

Yehjin Hwang ’24 researched the vilification of women in literature, examining how literary narratives perpetuate gender stereotypes and biases. Conducting extensive analysis, Yehjin explored the portrayal of female characters across several literary genres, shedding light on the societal implications of these depictions. She then created five original paintings that cast female characters in a more equitable light. 

Theo Von Gottberg ’24 and Jasper Perlis ’24 collaborated on a project centered on hydrogen technology. Their research explored the potential of hydrogen as a sustainable energy source, examining its applications in fuel cells and renewable energy systems. Theo shared they “wanted to see how current technologies and scientific advances are being made and how we might go about reversing the effects of or at least slowing down the rate of climate change.” 

Other senior projects spanned diverse topics from the arts to the sciences. They showcased the endless curiosity and passion of CA students.

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