CA students gain the understanding and conceptual drive to achieve fluency in the media arts.

Media Arts

program overview

When we frame the world through a camera, we find new ways to look at ourselves. From the darkroom to the film editing studio, careful manipulations of film and digital material afford opportunities for self-expression and communication. Ultimately, CA students gain the understanding and conceptual drive to achieve fluency in the media arts.


CA’s photography curriculum spans the medium’s history, with courses engaging in digital image capture, film/darkroom techniques, and the intersections of the two. Whether working in color or black and white, students are encouraged to experiment while pursuing personal interests. Critiques of works in progress help students place their work in context and provide feedback for their project’s growth toward a cohesive portfolio of images.

CA students gain the understanding and conceptual drive to achieve fluency in the media arts.


CA’s robust Film program balances individual and collaborative work, preparing students for the practical realities and challenges of multiple approaches to film and media production. Through exercises and projects, CA students get direct experience in writing, shooting, directing, and editing films, with opportunities to focus on a multitude of film and media styles. Unique to CA, upper-level students have the chance to collaborate on an original feature-length film project for an academic year. Courses in screenwriting, television writing, and a rotating assortment of film history topics enrich the hands-on experiences students gain in the production courses. CA arranges screenings for the community and submits finished films to domestic and international film festivals.

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