Day student from Chestnut Hill, Mass.
Previous school: Heath Elementary School
What are you involved in at CA?
Besides being a head tour guide, I am involved with several clubs as well as sports teams at CA. Currently, I am most involved with the Jewish Student Organization (JSO) and am a co-head/founder of the CA Ski Club. As for sports, I am a three-season varsity athlete. I play soccer (fall) and am the captain of both the ski team (winter) and the Ultimate Frisbee team (spring). I am also a head Orientation leader for incoming 9th grade students and a student panelist for the Admissions Department.
What is your favorite activity at CA and why?
My favorite activity at CA is the Chandler Bowl, which takes place every fall against our rival school, Pingree. This event is a fundraiser for a charity/organization that is voted on by students. The Chandler Bowl is a great opportunity for the community to come together and support the competing teams. Not only does this day bring out everyone’s school spirit and pride because of the trophy, it also contributes to meaningful causes.
Why did you choose CA?
When Covid hit a few years ago, I wanted to find a smaller school where I could receive attention and support from teachers that I wasn’t getting at the time. I wanted to find a school with a tight-knit community where I could build strong teacher connections, be challenged academically, and try new courses and electives. When I walked onto campus over the summer to take a look at the school I would be applying to, I was met by Jeff Desjarlais. Immediately, I felt like a member of the community while he welcomed me onto campus and showed me around. After spending many months looking at schools, CA fit my needs and I have loved it here ever since.
Advice to prospective students?
My advice to prospective students is to keep an open mind during the admissions process as well as be willing to accept change. CA has so much to offer, including its students, teachers, and classes, that being willing to try new things and meet new people is the best mindset you can have.