Charlotte McIntosh ’25

Head Tour Guide

Charlotte McIntosh ’25

Head Tour Guide

Day student from Concord, Mass.
Previous school: Belmont Day School

What are you involved in at CA?
In addition to being a head tour guide, I am a member of the girls varsity track and field team and have been on the technical crew for many CA theater productions. I am also a member of CA’s Community Service Club (Concord Academy Students in Action), Medical Club, and the Intersectionality Feminist Organization (IFO). Additionally, I am one of the co-heads of
Survivor Club, CA’s fan club for the TV show Survivor.

What is your favorite activity at CA and why?

My favorite activity at CA would have to be the Club Expo. It is one of the first all-school events of the new school year, and every club, from Model UN to Cheese Club, gets a table. Often, coheads encourage students to join their clubs by selling food, selling club merch, or running carnival or trivia games with prizes. I love Club Expo because although it can be chaotic, it welcomes new students into the CA community. The infectious excitement from each club’s coheads spreads to the entire student body throughout the night, demonstrating CA’s community spirit.

Why did you choose CA?
I chose Concord Academy because I wanted to spend high school in a school where students genuinely love learning and have the opportunity to explore their passions. I loved how tight-knit and spirited the CA community is, and I felt accepted by students and teachers from the moment I stepped foot on campus.

Favorite class you’ve taken at CA and why?
My favorite class at CA has been Advanced Molecular Biology and Biotechnology with James Booth. I loved that everyone in the course was passionately interested in the cutting-edge topics that James covered. I especially enjoyed the labs where I performed PCR of specimen DNA and used CRISPR to edit the genome of E. coli bacteria.

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